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How to Buy Condoms: 32 Secrets It All Before Using One

How to Buy Condoms: 32 Secrets It All Before Using One

Condoms are necessary for a healthy sexual life. However, finding the right ones can be difficult. Everything you need to know about buying condoms is right here!

Needless to say, condoms are your go-to item for protection against STDs or unwanted pregnancies. Furthermore, condoms have the potential to make your sexy time more interesting.

There are numerous varieties available, each with its own set of effects, sensations, and even flavors! But do you know how to buy condoms?

There are numerous condoms on the market, each promising different levels of protection and pleasure. So, how do you choose between all of these brands?

Today, we answer a few frequently asked questions to help you find the best condom that will literally and metaphorically fit you!

How to Buy Condoms 32 Secrets It All Before Using One

Types of condoms that you can buy

First, let’s look at the various types of condoms that are available for purchase. Of course, we can’t include every type of condom available.

However, we will do our best to provide you with a general overview of the various styles available. So, let’s see what kinds of condoms are available.

1. Ribbed Condoms

If you’ve ever looked at condoms for sale, you’ll notice that some boxes include “for her pleasure” features.

Ribbed condoms have textures like raised ribs and bumps on the side of the sheath that gives girls more sensation.

Ribbed condoms are a great option for extra sensation. However, if you or your partner are extremely sensitive, the added friction may feel overwhelming or uncomfortable.

2. Lubricated condoms

Extra lube is sometimes required to keep sex enjoyable. That’s why lubricated condoms were invented! These condoms are the polar opposite of ribbed condoms in that they have an extra slippery lube on the outside that reduces the amount of friction you both feel.

These are ideal if you are both extremely sensitive and require lube to help things along. However, if you intend to use extra lube, make sure it is compatible with the condom.

3. Spermicide condoms

Some condoms contain spermicide, a birth control substance that kills sperm. Spermicide is about 80% effective at preventing pregnancy and can be used as a form of birth control on its own.

So, when combined with another form of birth control, such as condoms, it can provide up to 97% protection!

However, even though these condoms are spermicide-coated, they can cause some problems. The spermicide may increase the likelihood of the condom breaking during rough sex. If you are sensitive to chemicals, they may also irritate your skin.

Different condom materials

So those are some of the various condom types. Aside from different types, different materials distinguish some condoms from one another. Let’s take a look at the materials on offer and what you can expect from them.

1. Latex condoms

Latex is the most common condom material. When you’re buying condoms, you’ll find that most of them are made of latex.

This is because it suits the job condoms need to do! Latex is a non-porous material, which means liquids can’t get through it.

The most important things to consider with latex condoms are allergies, and lube. Firstly, only use water or silicone-based lubes with latex. Oil-based substances like vaseline and body lotion can break down the condom and cause it to break.

2. Non-latex condoms

Second, some people are sensitive to latex. Consider switching to a non-latex material if you experience itching, redness, or rashes after using a latex rubber.

Non-latex condoms are made of materials that are gentler on your skin, such as polyurethane, nitrile, or polyisoprene.

Non-latex condoms, on the other hand, are not as effective as latex condoms. Because the alternative materials they use aren’t as strong, choose them only if you’re allergic to latex.

3. Lambskin condoms

Lambskin condoms are made from… well, lambskin. They’re made of animal intestines, specifically.

While this makes them thinner and more natural-feeling, it also makes them much more porous; small viruses such as herpes and HIV can still pass through.
They’re also obviously not vegan.

4. Female condoms

Female condoms resemble male condoms. The only difference is that instead of rolling them onto the penis, you insert them into the vagina.

Because of this, some people refer to them as internal condoms. They’re made of soft synthetic latex and create a barrier that prevents sperm from entering the womb.

Where to buy condoms

Next, let’s look into where you can easily obtain condoms. There are numerous stores and services that will gladly sell you condoms.

Some will even provide them for free! Which one you choose is determined by how confident you are in purchasing condoms, how much money you have, and the type of condoms you want to purchase.

1. Purchasing condoms online

There are numerous websites that sell contraception, with some specializing in condoms. You can get almost any type you can think of: latex, non-latex, lambskin, internal, and even novelty condoms.

They are usually around the same price as condoms purchased in a physical store, but you will have to pay for shipping on top of that.

The benefit of purchasing condoms online is anonymity. When you buy online, you don’t have to deal with a cashier or risk being watched by nosy neighbors. Most sites also provide plain packaging so that you are not embarrassed when picking up your parcel.

2. Purchasing condoms from a pharmacy

A drugstore is the cheapest place to buy condoms. All local drugstores and pharmacies will sell a variety of condoms for a few dollars per pack.

You will also have the opportunity to read the packages and determine which type sounds the best. If you are unsure, you can seek assistance from a pharmacist or a store employee.

Of course, you must be courageous if you choose this option. If you’re embarrassed about buying condoms, a face-to-face transaction like this will be excruciating.

3. Go to an adult store and buy specialized condoms.

If you’re looking for specialty condoms, adult stores, also known as sex shops, are a great place to look. Some of the kinkier condoms will only be available at a specialized sex store.
All of these stores now sell online, so you don’t even need to have one nearby.

These stores provide plain packaging to spare your blushes, and you won’t have to interact with anyone. However, you will usually have to pay a premium in addition to shipping fees.

4. Obtain free condoms from a community health organization.

Is there a sexual health clinic nearby? If you ask, most of these organizations will provide you with free condoms. So, if you can’t afford condoms, go to your local health organization and get a few.

This is an especially good way to get condoms if you’re a teen, in college, broke, or simply can’t get them anywhere else.

How to actually buy condoms

Now comes the important part: the ultimate condom-buying guide. If this guide appears to be brief, it is because purchasing condoms is actually quite simple!

To keep yourself safe, all you have to do is keep your cool and follow our advice. So, let’s get this party started!

1. Purchase the appropriate size

Most condom manufacturers produce condoms in a standard size that fits the majority of men. There are also small and XL sizes for other guys. However, make sure you know which size is appropriate for you.

Needing a larger or smaller size does not indicate that there is something wrong with you, so don’t be embarrassed about it.

A condom should be snugly wrapped around your penis. It’s not too tight to be uncomfortable, but it’s also not too loose to fall off during sex.

The condom is much more likely to break if it is too tight. However, if it’s too loose, it’ll slip off and accidentally release sperm.

2. Avoid being distracted by all of the options.

There is such a thing as having too many options. Have you ever been in a supermarket and felt completely overwhelmed by the million different products on offer, with no idea what to buy? When purchasing condoms, the same thing can happen.

So, don’t get sidetracked by all the possibilities. Make sure you do your homework before you go in *yes, reading these features counts! * and that you leave with the exact type of condom you were looking for.

3. Maintain your composure

Remember that purchasing condoms is commonplace. Most people who have sex require contraception, which means that most people must purchase condoms. Remember that no one will be staring at or mocking you for performing this normal adult task.

The more nervous you appear, the more people will notice you. So, if you’re nervous, remember that buying condoms is common, and try to keep your cool.

4. Verify the expiration date

Finally, look at the expiration date. Lubricants, dust, or packaging can wear down the latex material if you keep a condom for an extended period of time.
Degraded latex is far more likely to break during sex, which is exactly what you don’t want to happen.
To be safe, always check the expiration date and avoid using old condoms.

5. Purchasing condoms before you require them

Don’t put off buying condoms until you really need them. Even if you don’t plan on having sex today, it’s still a good idea to stock up on condoms if you live near a store that sells them.

Nothing is worse than rushing out to buy condoms before a hot date, only to discover that your preferred brand is out of stock.

6. Purchasing condoms in bulk in order to save money

This is especially important to keep in mind if you’re purchasing condoms online. Most of the time, buying condoms in bulk is less expensive than buying them in smaller quantities.

So, if you think you’ll need a lot of condoms in the coming weeks, consider buying them in bulk. You’ll save money on shipping this way.

Condom sellers will sometimes give you a better price if you buy a large number of condoms. Consider purchasing a large box that you can store and use gradually over time.

7. Consider your partner.

You’re not just picking out the best condom for your dick. You must also consider your partner’s contributions and what works best for them. Some people are allergic to latex, making having sex with a partner while wearing a latex condom extremely uncomfortable.

Make sure to find out if your partner has any specific condom-purchasing preferences. Because this is a joint decision, don’t forget to ask them how they feel.

8. For added fun, buy colored, flavored, or scented condoms.

Different condoms will produce different sensations. Colored condoms are a fun novelty, and special finishes like glitter or glow-in-the-dark are available.

If you have a playful partner or frequently do it with the lights turned off, this could be an interesting way to spice things up.
Scented condoms add to the multisensory experience by introducing pleasant smells.

Flavored condoms, which are ideal for oral sex, are also available. These are extremely versatile; cut them in half and use them as a dental dam. However, before you experiment with novelty condoms, make sure your partner does not have sensitive skin or allergies.

9. Girls can purchase condoms as well.

As we’ve previously stated, it takes two to tango. Girls can be responsible for purchasing condoms as well, so ask your partner if she wouldn’t mind picking some up as well.

Of course, male contraception is always primarily a male issue. However, some girls may prefer to be involved in the preparations for safe sex because it gives them extra peace of mind.

Don’t forget to bring up female condoms. Don’t dismiss these as a viable alternative to male condoms. In your discussions about safe sex, make sure to include female condoms.

FAQs about buying condoms

Let’s face it: most men don’t give much thought to purchasing condoms. However, they should… It is more significant than you realize. So, here are the most important things you should know before purchasing condoms.

1. Where can you purchase condoms?

Everywhere: corner drugstores, convenience stores, gas stations, sex shops, and a few novelty stores. You can even buy them online. However, not every location will have the exact type of condom you require.

For example, drugstores and convenience stores will sell generic, mass-consumption condoms that are inexpensive and convenient. However, sex shops and the internet are your best friends if you’re looking for specialty condoms that are more “pleasure-centered” than the standard kind.

2. Can I get free condoms?

Yes. There is no such thing as a free lunch, but there is definitely a free condom. You may be able to obtain free condoms from your local general hospital or health clinic as part of government-sponsored reproductive health programs, depending on your country and city.

However, this does not imply that you can use these free condoms indefinitely. Each region has its own set of rules for distributing free condoms.

3. Is there an age limit for purchasing condoms?

When it comes to condoms, there is a law that prohibits anyone of any age from purchasing one. If a customer is underage, the worst that can happen is a disapproving look from the cashier. Although having sex at a young age is frowned upon, using protection is always a positive.

4. What is the price of condoms?

A typical “all-fit” condom costs between $0.50 and $1.00. If you buy them in bulk, you can get a better deal.

Specialty condoms, on the other hand, are not cheap. Additional “features,” like any other commodity, come at a higher cost.

Extra thin, studded, spiral and other novelty condoms are available only for purchase from the Internet.

5. Does using a condom protect against unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases?

This is a complicated question with a complicated answer. When used correctly, a reputable condom brand can provide up to 98% protection.

By “properly,” we mean not doing or using anything that could damage the condom, or using an expired one.

When condoms are not used properly, their efficacy drops to around 82%. That is a significant risk of contracting STDs or becoming pregnant through your partner. So the general recommendation is to use a new condom properly.

6. Are some condoms superior to others?

Both yes and no. We can say yes because, just like a smartphone, you can examine the features of a specific brand of condom and see the materials used, the manufacturer’s ISO rating, and a variety of other details.

Better-engineered condoms usually come at a cost. However, we can also say that no condom is better than the other because each has a unique feature that caters to the needs of a specific consumer group.

7. Do all condoms have the same size?

An ill-fitting condom is the same as not wearing one at all. Each package will specify the size range of a specific pack of condoms.

Small *3—4.5 inches*, Medium *4.5—6.5 inches*, Large *6.5 – 9 inches*, and XL *9 inches and above* are the most common sizes.

8. How should a condom be positioned?

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. The fit of a condom can drastically alter its performance. A condom should be snugly wrapped around your penis. It’s not too tight to be uncomfortable, but it’s also not too loose to fall off during sex.

The condom is much more likely to break if it is too tight. However, if it’s too loose, it’ll slip off and accidentally release sperm.

9. What if I have a latex allergy?

One of the first things to consider is the material used to make the condom. Some people may develop an allergic reaction to latex, which is commonly used in condoms.

An allergic reaction to latex can cause itching and redness, difficulty breaking, and, in severe cases, anaphylaxis.

If you are allergic to latex, you should use polyurethane or polyisoprene condoms instead.

Also, make certain that you are not allergic to the lubricant. The majority of condoms are pre-coated with a water-based lubricant. You or your partner, however, may be allergic to the generic lubricant that comes with the condom.

In these cases, you should purchase unlubricated condoms and bring your own lubricant that is also condom compatible.

10. Should I prioritize safety or pleasure?

If you’ve been using condoms for a while, you’ll notice two design elements that influence the final output of a condom. It’s a tug-of-war between safety and pleasure.

One cannot have it all in life, and the same is true for making condoms. No condom can provide equal amounts of pleasure and protection, and which one you use will depend on your preferences.

Condoms that focus on protection

These are thicker than standard types. They reduce tactile sensation during use to protect the condom from breakage. These are best for rough sex and anal sex. Furthermore, these condoms are designed to make the user last longer during sex.

Condoms designed for pleasure

These give up durability to give you that “almost nothing” sensation during sex. People who generally dislike using condoms but are forced to do so due to the need for protection choose this type.

Condoms with a twist

These condoms don’t fit into any category and were made just for fun. These include exotic-scented, ribbed, studded, glow-in-the-dark, and themed condoms that are entertaining to look at.

11. Does wearing two condoms make sex safer?

No! Wearing two condoms—also known as “double-bagging”—doesn’t make sex any safer. If anything, it makes sex riskier!

When you start to have sex with two condoms, the friction between them will cause the latex to break down. That makes the condoms far more likely to break, and far less safe.

12. Why should I bother purchasing condoms?

There are a variety of reasons why you should use a condom. They are not only the most secure way to have sex, but they also make it more comfortable and pleasurable.

Whatever your objections to condoms are, there’s no reason to give up: there are hundreds of brands on the market, so there’s bound to be one that works for you somewhere.

Condoms are considered a necessity for a couple to enjoy their sex life. Therefore, it is important to know your facts and find the condom that works best for you.

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